First: Pick Your Location
Tulips love sun so choose an area that gets full sun and well draining soil. Standing water as really wet soil can cause the bulbs to rot.
Next:Work The Soil!
If planting tulips “en masse” (together in a clump) dig out an area about 6” deep, mix in a little organic fertilizer and compost and then plant your bulbs roughly three times as deep as they are tall, with a spacing of about 2”- 4”. The closer bulbs are planted, the more they will make a statement and grow taller/straighter stems. Alternatively, more space will allow your bulbs to multiply over the years. It’s up to you!
Then: Water & Mulch!
Once the bulbs are in place, water deeply and cover over with the soil you removed earlier. To help protect the bulbs over winter, it’s recommended to cover them with a mulch. This can be well-rotted compost, leaves, grass, fur bows, seaweed, etc. Just remember to lift the mulch once warmer weather comes to allow the shoots to emerge from the soil! Don’t forget to place a marker so you know where you’ve planted your tulips.
Last: Spring Care
As the bulbs begin to break through the soil in spring, keep the soil weeded and if there is a dry spell, give the tulips a good watering. You can either enjoy your tulips from the garden or, if you choose to cut them to bring inside, do so when the buds have a bit of colour but are not fully opened. Make sure to leave at least two sets of leaves on the stem attached to the bulb. This is essential to ensure the bulb has the nutrients required to grow again next year!